Cardano’s Staking Success: ADA Tokens Surpass 430M

Cardano’s staking ecosystem has achieved a significant milestone as the total value of ADA tokens staked on the network surpasses 430 million. 🀩

This accomplishment reflects the growing confidence in $ADA‘s proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus process, where ADA holders actively contribute to network security and earn rewards.Β 

Additionally, as more tokens are staked, less ADA is available for trading, potentially driving up the market value of ADA. Investors who participate in staking not only contribute to the network but also stand to benefit from potential price growth. πŸ“ˆ

As ADA holders continue to stake their tokens, Cardano’s network becomes more robust, offering a promising future for the platform and its stakeholders.

Case in point:

Minswap, the largest DEX on Cardano, became the 9th largest DEX by traded volume on Monday and the 17th for the past 30 days.Β 

Oh, and here’s a random anecdote: when trades are executed on Minswap’s platform, a cat-purring sound plays. 😺

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Crypto 101: The Role Of Lending On DEXs

Lending is a core component of many DEXs. πŸ”„

These lending protocols allow users to borrow or lend digital assets, with interest rates typically determined algorithmically based on supply and demand dynamics.

How does lending Work in DEXs?

Borrowers deposit a certain amount of digital assets (often referred to as collateral) into the protocol. The collateral is usually more than the amount they wish to borrow.

The difference between the loan amount and the collateral is known as the collateralization ratio.

For example:

  • If a borrower deposits $150 worth of Ethereum ($ETH) as collateral
  • And borrows $100 worth of DAI πŸͺ™
  • The collateralization ratio would be 150% πŸ’Ή

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Trouble With The Curve

Curve Finance, a popular decentralized exchange (DEX), has been in the spotlight following a series of exploits that have rocked the crypto world.

The platform, known for allowing users to swap like-assets such as $ETH for sETH or Tether’s $USDT for Circle’s $USDC, has seen its $CRV token climb by 500% even as the chaos unfolds.

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yearn Yearns To Be Hacked

In a bold move, Yearn Finance ($YFI) has thrown down the gauntlet to hackers. “We want you to hack us,” they’ve declared, opening up almost all permissioned functions on their vault. 🎯

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dYdX Founder: Take A Break From The U.S.

Antonio Juliano, the mastermind behind the decentralized exchange dYdX ($DYDX), has a message for crypto innovators: Maybe it’s time to look beyond Uncle Sam’s shores. 🌍

Sharing his thoughts on platform X, Juliano suggests that the U.S.’s regulatory maze might not be worth the dance right now. Instead, he hints at a strategy of conquering foreign lands first, then returning to the U.S. as a force to be reckoned with. πŸš€

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