Credit Scores Entering the DeFi Space: TransUnion Takes the Leap

TransUnion ($TRU), one of the big three credit agencies in the U.S., has announced that it’ll be bringing credit scores to decentralized finance (DeFi) lenders starting next week. Let’s dive into the details. 🏊

  1. Credit Scoring Meets Blockchain

In a press release, TransUnion revealed its plan to provide traditional (off-chain) credit scores for individuals applying for loans on blockchain-based protocols without jeopardizing applicants’ privacy. The credit agency is joining forces with data security firm Spring Labs and DeFi identity and compliance software developer Quadrata to deliver this innovative service.

  1. Tackling Crypto Defaults

Remember last year’s brutal crypto bear market? A wave of defaults on unsecured crypto loans exposed the vulnerability of unsecured lending in the digital asset market. Fundstrat’s VP of Digital Assets, Walter Teng, believes credit scores for crypto borrowers could have helped mitigate these losses. Enter TransUnion, aiming to bring credit scoring to the DeFi lending space. πŸ’³

  1. A Secure and Efficient Process

Loan applicants can request their credit score from TransUnion, which will be delivered directly to them via Spring Labs (TransUnion is an investor). Excerpted information is then shared with the lender. TransUnion’s credit scoring aims to improve lenders’ decision-making and risk management while respecting the privacy and anonymity that blockchain users expect.

  1. The TradFi-Crypto Blend

TransUnion’s move is part of a larger trend in which traditional financial (TradFi) services and crypto markets are becoming more intertwined. TradFi firms are increasingly exploring ways to use blockchain technology and leverage their presence in traditional markets to cater to crypto investors. Equifax and Experian, TransUnion’s rival credit agencies, have also dabbled in blockchain collaborations.

TransUnion sees the writing on the wall and has been closely observing the remarkable surge and adoption of DeFi worldwide. However, the reaction of DeFi enthusiasts to this news remains to be seen. πŸ””

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Crypto 101: Understanding the Risks of Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs)

Like every technology, DEXs come with their unique set of risks. Let’s dive into some of the most prevalent ones.

Smart Contract Risk πŸ“œ

One of the most significant risks when dealing with DEXs revolves around smart contracts. These programmable transactions run the entire DEX infrastructure. If there’s a bug in the smart contract code, it might be exploited and lead to substantial losses. Make sure you’re using a DEX that has undergone rigorous smart contract audits to mitigate this risk.

The DAO hack is a classic example of a vulnerability in a smart contract. The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) was a form of investor-directed venture capital fund, but a bug in its smart contract was exploited by a hacker who siphoned off a third of the DAO’s funds (around $50 million at the time).

Impermanent Loss πŸ”„

As a liquidity provider in a DEX, you could face what’s known as ‘impermanent loss’. This occurs when the price of your deposited tokens diverges. The larger the divergence, the more you stand to lose. The loss only becomes “permanent” if the prices don’t return to their original state by the time you withdraw your liquidity.

Price Slippage πŸ“‰

High market volatility can lead to price slippage on DEXs. Slippage refers to the difference between the expected price of a trade and the price at which it’s executed. While some slippage is common, large amounts can lead to unfavorable trade outcomes.

If you were trying to trade a large amount of a low-liquidity token on a DEX, you could experience severe price slippage. For instance, if you attempted to sell 10,000 tokens of a small project, your sell order could significantly impact the price, causing you to receive less than you anticipated.

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Celsius Converts To Farenheit

Celsius Network is undergoing bankruptcy proceedings, aiming to transform into a community-driven $BTC miner. ⛏️

They announced plans to repay users, whose funds have been locked since June 2022, by year’s end. Bloomberg revealed that post-Chapter 11, the company will receive a $450 million financial boost.

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From East to West: Bitget Sheds Light on Global Crypto Goals

Bitget just dropped a study that gives us a peek into what crypto comrades around the world are really after. πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”§

Spanning from May to August 2023, this research roped in over 1,500 participants from 20 countries. We’re talking Europe, China, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, and a few English-speaking nations.

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