Cardano’s Privacy Chain Is Incoming

Announced by IOK and after four years of waiting and development, the Midnight devnet is finally prepped for its debut. πŸŽ‚

What is Midnight? The easiest way to describe is as a privacy chain on Cardano.

But I shamelessly asked ChatGPT to describe the difference between Cardano’s normal blockchain and their upcoming Midnight sidechain. Here’s what ChatGPT says:

Alright kiddo, imagine you have two toy boxes:

  1. Cardano’s Normal Network Toy Box: This is a big toy box where everyone can see and play with the toys. When you put a toy in, all your friends can see it and know it’s there. It’s like a big, open playground.

  2. Midnight Toy Box: Now, this is a magical toy box. When you put a toy inside, it becomes invisible! Only you know what toy you put in, and if you want to show it to a friend, you can use a magic spell to make just that toy appear. It’s like having a secret compartment in your toy box.

Use Case Examples

  • Identity Verification Reinvented: Imagine a world where KYC and AML checks are a breeze, thanks to ZKPs. No more data overload, just seamless verifications.

  • NFTs with a Privacy Twist: NFTs are all the rage, but what if they could be private? Midnight ensures your tokenized assets remain under wraps while still allowing necessary interactions.

  • AI & LLMs Level Up: AI and LLMs are already game-changers, but with Midnight, they can access rich datasets without compromising privacy.

  • Decentralized Credit Scoring: Get your credit score without revealing your life story. That’s the magic of Midnight’s ZK tech.

  • Anonymous Voting, Decentralized Style: Vote without oversharing. Blockchain ensures transparency, and Midnight’s ZK tech ensures privacy.

Perks for the Pioneers Early birds joining the Midnight devnet will:

  • Be at the forefront of data protection tech evolution.
  • Relish IOG’s research-driven, security-first development approach.
  • Influence Midnight’s trajectory.
  • Engage with Midnight’s dedicated engineers.
  • Boost their DApp’s visibility.
  • Showcase their innovations in exclusive webinars.

Cardano’s DeFi Growth Outpaces Its Peers

A rarity and almost unique condition of Cardano’s DeFi space is the consistent growth throughout 2023.Β 


Cardano’s DeFi space just hit a whopping $160 million in total value locked (TVL). That’s a near 10% jump in the cash parked there. What’s it mean? Well, Cardano’s looking even juicier for DeFi enthusiasts and those sweet, sweet liquidity pools.

TVL rocketed by 9.26% in the past week. We’re talking $161 million locked and loaded, with a 1.86% bump in just a day and a 0.67% monthly climb. Sure, the 30-day growth might seem tiny, but in a world where many chains are watching their cash flow out, Cardano’s still pulling in the gains.

Interestingly, the Top 5 protocols are all unique, too:


Cardano’s flexing its DeFi muscles, even if it’s still testing the waters. Fun fact: that $161 million? It’s 1.75% of ADA’s beefy $9.17 billion market cap – a number continues to grow. 🌌

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Crypto 101: Understanding the Risks of Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs)

Like every technology, DEXs come with their unique set of risks. Let’s dive into some of the most prevalent ones.

Smart Contract Risk πŸ“œ

One of the most significant risks when dealing with DEXs revolves around smart contracts. These programmable transactions run the entire DEX infrastructure. If there’s a bug in the smart contract code, it might be exploited and lead to substantial losses. Make sure you’re using a DEX that has undergone rigorous smart contract audits to mitigate this risk.

The DAO hack is a classic example of a vulnerability in a smart contract. The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) was a form of investor-directed venture capital fund, but a bug in its smart contract was exploited by a hacker who siphoned off a third of the DAO’s funds (around $50 million at the time).

Impermanent Loss πŸ”„

As a liquidity provider in a DEX, you could face what’s known as ‘impermanent loss’. This occurs when the price of your deposited tokens diverges. The larger the divergence, the more you stand to lose. The loss only becomes “permanent” if the prices don’t return to their original state by the time you withdraw your liquidity.

Price Slippage πŸ“‰

High market volatility can lead to price slippage on DEXs. Slippage refers to the difference between the expected price of a trade and the price at which it’s executed. While some slippage is common, large amounts can lead to unfavorable trade outcomes.

If you were trying to trade a large amount of a low-liquidity token on a DEX, you could experience severe price slippage. For instance, if you attempted to sell 10,000 tokens of a small project, your sell order could significantly impact the price, causing you to receive less than you anticipated.

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