Mark Cuban’s $900k Wallet Woe

Mark Cuban recently faced a significant crypto setback. An unexpected breach in his hot wallet led to a loss of around $900,000. 😲

The anomaly was first spotted by blockchain investigator Wazz, who noticed unusual activity in a previously dormant Cuban wallet. Within a short 10-minute span, assets like $USDC, $USDT, and Lido Staked $ETH were rapidly withdrawn.

Adding to the intrigue, another $2 million in USDC was moved shortly after. Initially raising eyebrows, Cuban later clarified he was merely repositioning assets, hinting that hackers might have been monitoring his moves. To safeguard his remaining crypto, Cuban shifted his assets to Coinbase Custody.

Some theorize Cuban’s own actions might have inadvertently led to the breach, possibly through a mistaken transaction approval or a compromised private key. πŸ”‘

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly – Week 18

The Good

If you take a look at the RRG gifs, you’ll notice that the Kiwi pairs are positioned fairly well for having a better chance of some upside potential compared to the rest of its peers.Β 

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