Technically Speaking – February 28, 2024

Let’s be honest here, Coinbase’s problems are not the reason prices tanked after the rally, but it was a catalyst. From a technical analysis perspective, a small sneeze would cause some retracement. 🤧

BTCUSD $500/3-box Point & Figure Chart – Click to enlarge.

The chart above is a Point & Figure chart. You don’t need to know anything about it except for that hugenormous column of green X’s.

If you really want to learn about it, I recommend you watch this video here.

That massive column is called a Spike Pattern in Point & Figure – it’s the definition of exuberance and what you’d consider ‘overbought’. 🤯

The same Spike Pattern we just saw on Bitcoin’s chart is on Ethereum’s chart:

ETHUSD $20/3-box Point & Figure Chart – Click to enlarge.

How bad could the retracement get? No idea. I know that a common retracement from a Spike Pattern is 50%. For Bitcoin, that’s a return to $57,500. For Ethereum, that’s a return to $3,150.

But let’s be honest here – the initial moves at the beginning of a new crypto expansion phase can be insane – so while the technical retracement is commonly 50%, crypto’s bull runs are anything but common. 🧠

Bitcoin’s Hash Rate More Than 6x’s In Two Years

Bitcoin’s hash rate has been on a tear, with a staggering 600% increase in just two years. 😲

The hash rate, which measures the processing power of $BTC‘s network, has been on a steady upward trajectory, indicating a robust and healthy network. This increase is a testament to the growing number of miners joining the network, despite the market’s volatility.

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Bitcoin Allocations Matched With Gold?

Will Bitcoin ever match the gold in investors’ portfolios? 🏅

JP Morgan ($JPM) thinks that for Bitcoin to rub shoulders and match the allocation of gold in investor portfolios, its market cap would need to skyrocket to $3.3 trillion.

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Mark Cuban’s $900k Wallet Woe

Mark Cuban recently faced a significant crypto setback. An unexpected breach in his hot wallet led to a loss of around $900,000. 😲

The anomaly was first spotted by blockchain investigator Wazz, who noticed unusual activity in a previously dormant Cuban wallet. Within a short 10-minute span, assets like $USDC, $USDT, and Lido Staked $ETH were rapidly withdrawn.

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