Palladium Plummets To New Lows

We’ve spoken extensively about the car industry over the last eighteen months. Many key factors impact the industry, including worker strikes and low inventories. However, they’ve essentially resulted in about two core themes. 👇

The first is that the demand side of the market is being impacted by higher financing costs and record prices, crushing affordability. While on the supply side, low used vehicle inventories and a slow ramping up of new vehicle production have caused dealers to struggle.

As a result, we’ve seen effects on the stock prices of automakers, car part retailers, car retailers (or rental companies), and many other related businesses. 🚗

One area that’s not been talked about as much is the palladium market. The commodity plays a significant role in new vehicle production, being used to make catalytic converters that transform toxic gasses into less harmful substances. ♻️

With that said, the commodity has been under pressure because of several factors. The first is the new car market’s slow recovery from its pandemic supply chain issues. Additionally, automakers switching to platinum as a cheaper alternative has reduced demand. And lastly, the electric vehicle industry is eating into the market for light vehicles, where palladium plays its most significant role.

These factors have led to a nearly 70% decline in palladium futures, which peaked in March 2022 and have been trending lower since. 📉

Prices recently attempted to stabilize but were unsuccessful and are now trading at five-year lows. It’s unclear what it will take for this trend to reverse, mainly because it’s a thin market dominated by commercial users and speculators who primarily employ trend-following strategies. 🤷

Physical Gold & Oil Join The Party

It’s Friday, and we’re all looking forward to the weekend, so we’ll keep this article short. With almost every speculative asset on the planet participating in the recent rally, let’s quickly check in on two commodities making moves. 👀

We know digital gold (aka Bitcoin) has been absolutely crushing it, but physical gold has failed to participate. That is at least until today… 🤔

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Cocoa Prices Go Loco

With Halloween coming up next week, some consumers will likely be shocked at the price of candy due to the elevated price of cocoa.  😱

The vital ingredient in chocolate is hitting its highest levels since 1979 as hotter and drier weather patterns stunt this year’s crop. Roughly 75% of global cocoa beans come from the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroon, and Nigeria, where consistent temperatures, high humidity, abundant rain, and nitrogen-rich soil allow it to thrive. 

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The Base Metal Blues

The world’s eighth-largest aluminum maker, Alcoa, threw investors for a loop on Monday, unexpectedly announcing a new chief executive officer (CEO). 😮

Roy Harvey has led the company since November 2016, when it went public, and will remain a strategic adviser until the end of 2023. He’ll be replaced by William Oplinger, who has served as executive vice president and chief operations officer (COO) since February of this year.

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