Coinbase Delists XRP, XLM, BCH, and ETC

Coinbase ($COIN) announced that it is ending support for Bitcoin Cash ($BCH.X), Ethereum Classic( $ETC.X), Stellar ($XLM.X), and Ripple’s XRP ($XRP.X) in January 2023.

The reason for discontinuing support is due to low usage. This makes sense in XRP’s case because Coinbase terminated any trading of XRP in January 2021 when the SEC went gangbusters on Ripple.

Coinbase’s announcement ensures customers that the delisted cryptos won’t disappear after January 2023, and you’ll still be able to transfer them out of Coinbase’s wallet(s). 

If you wanted evidence of a huge lack of participation in the crypto space, one would anticipate that at least one of the four delisted cryptos would face intense selling pressure with this news – but that hasn’t happened. 🤒

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Bitcoin Allocations Matched With Gold?

Will Bitcoin ever match the gold in investors’ portfolios? 🏅

JP Morgan ($JPM) thinks that for Bitcoin to rub shoulders and match the allocation of gold in investor portfolios, its market cap would need to skyrocket to $3.3 trillion.

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So. Damn. Close.

Unless you’ve been sleeping off some horrible life decisions from last night, $BTC is insanely close to reaching its prior all-time high. 🚀

It’s probable that by the time you read this, new all-time highs might already be in. 

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Technically Speaking – March 8, 2024

I’ll keep the details short and simple here because time is running out, and if I’m not done on time for pizza night with the kids, my wife will be very mad. 🍕

I almost wrote she’d kill me, but if I did that, there’d probably be a SWAT team and an army of social workers making sure I’m ok.

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