November’s Close: A Closer Look

November 2023 ranks third in terms of performance, behind the bullish Novembers of 2018 and 2019. It’s a respectable showing, especially given the past volatility. 🐓

BTCUSD Monthly Chart – Click to enlarge.
  1. November 2018: +57.61%
  2. November 2019: +21.29%
  3. November 2022: +19.44%
  4. November 2011: +10%
  5. November 2023: +8.84% (the newcomer)
  6. November 2021: +7.77%
  7. November 2012: -11.11%
  8. November 2014: -9.87%
  9. November 2016: -5.91%
  10. November 2020: -6.62%
  11. November 2015: -17.67%
  12. November 2017: -35.16%
  13. November 2013: -82.49%

$BTC‘s November close put it at a 20-month high – regaining all of the post-Terra and FTX losses and then some. 

Looks like 2023’s November decided to be more of a dark horse than a turkey. 🦃

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Dear. God. Those. Liquid. Ations.

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