Investors Are Losing Trust

It’s been a rough eighteen months or so for real estate investment trusts (REITs), with higher interest rates giving investors alternative sources of yield and pressuring commercial real estate’s asset values. Unfortunately for Medical Properties Trust (MPT), that pain continues today, with its shares falling back to their Great-Financial-Crisis lows. 😬

The medical-related real estate property operator revealed to investors that one of its tenants, Steward Health Care System, is roughly $50 million behind in rent payments. As a result, MPT will take a $225 million noncash charge to write off rent receivables and other items. 

While one-time writedowns are common, investors prefer when companies cut once and get back on solid footing. However, it doesn’t look like the company could provide sufficient clarity about the future, saying, “No assurances can be provided that further impairment of real estate and non-real-estate assets will not be taken with MPT’s fourth-quarter 2023 reporting.”  🔮

While the company is warning investors early of these tenant-specific issues, it’s also saying that it may have more problems to report with its quarterly results on February 1st. ⚠️

MPT is looking to recover uncollected rents and outstanding loan obligations, though analysts are unsure how much they’ll be able to recover. Steward recently informed the company that significant changes in vendor payment terms have negatively impacted its liquidity. In other words, they likely don’t have the funds to pay even if Medical Properties Trust takes legal action to recover them. 🪹

For now, MPT said it agreed to a new $60 million bridge loan secured by Steward’s existing collateral and second liens on its managed-care business. It’s also hired advisors to help explore its options to recover the late rent payments.

The stock caught several downgrades related to the news, with analysts citing uncertainty about tenant health, among other ongoing risks. $MPW shares neared all-time closing lows, falling 30% on the news as investors ditch the high dividend yield in favor of a rising (or stable) stock price. 😱

A Chip Off The Holiday News Flow

It’s a slow week in the market, but as usual, there’s some news out of the semiconductor space. Let’s take a look. 👀

First up is Israel granting Intel $3.2 billion to support the company’s biggest investment in the country. Intel will not only build a $25 billion factory that creates thousands of jobs but will also buy $16.6 billion in goods and services from Israeli suppliers over the next decade. It is anticipated that the plant will open in 2028 and operate through at least 2035. 🏭

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Biotech Buyout Spree Continues

It may be the last week of the year, but many companies are rushing to get deals done before year-end. Two significant transactions in the biotech space were announced today, so let’s dive in. 👇

The first deal involves RayzeBio, which raised $358 million via an initial public offering (IPO) just three months ago. However, its time as a public company is being cut short by Bristol Myers Squibb, which is acquiring the radiopharmaceutical therapeutics company for $62.50 per share in cash. 💰

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$LUNR Reaches A “Tipping Point”

One of the top stories in the market over the last 24 hours has been Intuitive Machines’, which trades under the ticker symbol $LUNR. 📻

The space exploration company’s Nova-C cargo moon lander known as “Odysseus” became the first privately developed spacecraft to land on the lunar surface. It was also the first U.S. spacecraft to soft-land on the moon in over 50 years. 🌝

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Chinese Smartphone Maker Unveils EV

Chinese smartphone giant Xiaomi is entering the highly competitive electric vehicle (EV) market, revealing its first electric car this weekend. 👀

The consumer electronics company unveiled its SU7 sedan, which it says it spent more than $1.4 billion to develop. The vehicle is set to roll out in China next year and is attempting to do something Faraday Future and other competitors have failed to do: create a software-focused vehicle that matches the technology people find in their phones to what’s happening in their cars. 

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