The DogeFather

2021 was the year of the Doge Father, aka Elon Musk. The world’s richest man thoroughly enjoyed himself as he pumped meme coins throughout the year. Here’s a timeline of all things Elon and $DOGE.X. ❤️

Elon first got the meme coin rockin’ on Jan 28 after he posted this satirical Dogue magazine cover on Twitter. Just like that, the coin surged 340% in a day and reached record highs. 🚀

Just a week later, Elon hopped back on his soap box to tweet about how “Dogecoin is the people’s crypto. No need to be a gigachad to own.” In this tweet, Elon emphasized that you don’t need a PhD to profit from cryptocurrencies. $DOGE.X drove up another 42.4% on Feb 9. 🤑

The coin took a much-needed breather from early February until the beginning of April. But things started heating up again as anticipation built prior to Elon’s SNL show. The coin ran up another 90% and broke into all-time highs above $0.50 in the week before Elon’s skit. 

After suffering a rough patch through the summer and into fall, Doge rose 19% from the dead on Dec 14 after Tesla’s announcement that the company will accept $DOGE.X as payment for merchandise. 🤭 Elon wasn’t shy in voicing his support of Dogecoin, claiming “[Doge] encourages people to spend, rather than sort of hoard as a store of value” in a comparison to Bitcoin. 

Was Doge’s pump entirely reliant on Elon Musk?? Nobody really knows for sure, but there’s no denying the meme coin’s incredible run in 2021. $DOGE.X has gained an astounding 3,522% YTD. Here’s the weekly chart since Jan 2021:

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Bitcoin Blasts TF Off

Alright, now we know this is primarily an equity-focused newsletter. But speculation in the market has been building extensively through the last few months, and there’s no better vehicle to visualize that than one with no intrinsic value. 😆

Ok, you had to let us get one joke in there. After all, we just said what we were all thinking but wouldn’t say out loud. Let’s dive into some wild stats. 👇

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Frogs, And Dogs, And BONKs Oh My

Memecoin madness is back, and it’s like deja vu. All over again, like deja vu. 🐶

According to the fine folks at Santiment, the spotlight’s on $PEPE, $FLOKI, $BONK, and a few others, all of which have decided to moon together. Price surges of over 500% and trading volumes that skyrocketed nearly 3,000%? Just another crypto memecoin insane bull run

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Crypto News In Three Sentences – March 1, 2024

👀 Bitcoin ETFs Fly High Without Vanguard: The SEC’s nod to Bitcoin ETFs brings a seismic shift, yet giants like Vanguard ($VOO) stay on the bench, watching millions flow into these new funds. Despite Vanguard CEO Tim Buckley bowing out amid whispers of regret of not joining everyone else at the BTC ETF party, considering most of Vanguard AUM grew under Buckley, the no BTC ETF probably isn’t why. Probably. Maybe. From DailyCoin

🏦 Wells Fargo and BoA Embrace Crypto Craze: Speaking of Bitcoin ETF acceptance, Wells Fargo ($WFC) and Bank of America ($BAC) take the crypto plunge, offering Bitcoin ETFs to their daring clients. They join a financial frenzy alongside Schwab and Robinhood, contrasting Vanguard’s skeptical stance. Hey, maybe Wells Fargo will open crypto accounts for people who never asked them to? More from Cryptopolitan

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BlockFi Customers Rejoice!

BlockFi’s customers might finally feature a financial comeback, thanks to a deal with FTX and Alameda Research. 😍

How much? Up to $874 million, contingent on court approval. This settlement could be the lifeline for customers left adrift after the 2022 crypto upheaval.

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