Officials Weigh In On The Economy

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell delivered a speech to Sweden’s Riksbank on Tuesday, emphasizing the need to be free of political influence. 💬

He’s been consistent in his messaging that the Fed needs to tackle high inflation. However, he reiterated in today’s message that achieving the central bank’s goal will require “tough decisions” that are likely to be politically unpopular.

This underscores the persistent problem that the Fed is facing. For inflation to come down, it must slow the economy. But a slower economy and lower asset prices, specifically the housing market, will also raise unemployment. This puts politicians in a tough spot and often causes them to take actions that flow counter to the Fed’s efforts.

Powell recognizes this and likely used today’s message to continue signaling to the market that he’s staying the course, even when things get difficult. Or more specifically, even if politicians look to influence the central bank in one way or another. 🧭

Meanwhile, officials from the World Bank cut their global economic forecast for 2023 again. It now sits at 1.7%, down from their 3% estimate last June. 🔻

Their comments further emphasized the need to tackle inflation and noted that the U.S., Eurozone, and China are all undergoing a period of pronounced weakness. This led to the headline comment that the global economy is “perilously close to falling into recession.” 

If they’re correct in their forecast, governments and individuals will have to adjust to weather the storm…although we already see signs of that. ⚠️

In the U.S., 46% of credit card holders now carry a balance as rates hit record highs. And in France, the government is reforming its entitlement programs by raising the retirement age to 64.

In addition to this commentary, investors are awaiting U.S. bank earnings on Friday. This earnings season, they’ll analyze how well companies are faring in the current environment and what they expect in the year ahead. 📆

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Inflation Checkup Before FOMC Decision

Tomorrow, the Federal Reserve will make its last interest rate decision for 2023 and update its economic projections. With the market increasing its probability of rate cuts throughout the last few months, it will be a closely watched and discussed event. 👀

We’ll get producer prices tomorrow morning, but today’s focus was on the consumer price index.

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A Divergence In Homebuilders

Today’s National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index experienced its first negative reading in seven months. 🔻

The index dropped 5 points to 45 in September, with all three components declining. Current sales conditions slipped to 51, sales expectations in the next six months fell to 49, and buyer traffic dropped to 30.

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Jobs: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Jobs numbers today showed that the U.S. labor market is showing signs of cooling faster than an iced latte in a polar vortex. Analysts expected 180k, but the number came in lower at 150k, missing the mark like a North Korean rocket test. 👨‍🚀

The Good 😃

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Fed’s Rate Cut Message Finally Heard

Inflation worries had all but disappeared recently. But as usual, the market likes to fool the majority, so we saw January’s consumer prices surprise to the upside today. 🫨

Headline CPI rose 0.3% MoM and 3.1% YoY, topping the 0.2% and 2.9% Wall Street had expected. Core consumer prices, which exclude food and energy prices, rose 0.4% MoM and 3.9% YoY. Shelter was again the largest component driving the increase, climbing 0.6% MoM and 6% YoY. 🔺

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