A Crude Two Weeks For Energy

The recent carnage in the energy sector has been lost in the shuffle, so let’s take a quick look.

Below is a chart of crude oil’s weekly chart dating back three years. With this week’s decline, prices fell to their lowest level since December 2021. And the one-week rate of change shows this is the largest one-week decline since early 2020. 😬

We mention it because the oil price decline is also showing up in energy-related ETFs. Their 10-day performance shows declines ranging from 6% to 22%. πŸ”»

With the energy sector shifting from last year’s best performer to this year’s worst, many investors are trying to determine whether the downward trend will continue or if this is a potential buying opportunity. For now, we’ll have to wait and see. πŸ‘€

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Gold Soars To All-Time Highs

About a week after the chatter around gold began to pick up on Stocktwits, the shiny metal is hitting new all-time highs. But still, some are perplexed as to why it’s rallying. πŸ€”

Bears argue that gold should not be rallying in the current environment. After all, inflation continues to trend back toward the Fed’s 2% target, and the economy is holding up well thanks to a strong labor market and consumer spending. And with the risk-free rate still above 5%, some investors and traders argue there are better alternatives to gold and precious metals as a group.

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The Market’s Next Show Stopper

While the U.S. economy continues to hold up relatively well, investors remain fearful about China and other international economies. So, one of the markets they’re watching for clues as to what might be ahead is copper futures. πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

We spoke about copper in May when investors viewed its selloff as a bearish economic diagnosis. And now, it’s back in the news for a similar reason. πŸ“°

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Natural Gas Is Moving Fast

Okay, maybe not fast. But it certainly is moving differently than it has been. After falling about 80% from its highs from August to March, natural gas futures have been taking the first step to reverse their trend…stop going down. ⏸️

Below is a daily chart of natural gas futures trading in a $2.00 to $2.65 range for the last five months. But this week, traders are putting it back on their radar due to its strength relative to the rest of the energy commodity complex. With crude oil, gasoline, and heating oil all falling several percent this week, natural gas’s nearly 5% gain certainly stands out. πŸ€”

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Oil Returns To The Status Quo

The U.S. oil market is returning to its pre-pandemic norms, at least according to the manager of the popular oil ETF $USO. πŸ›’οΈ

The United States Oil Fund ($USO) has been around since April 2006 and is a futures-based ETF that looks to track the price of U.S. crude oil. It does so by purchasing the front-month sweet light crude oil (WTI) contract, holding it, and then rolling its holdings to the following contract before expiration.Β 

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