Traders Eye Gasoline Prices

Despite being a slow day overall, one chart in the commodities space had traders gassed up. Pun intended. 🙃

That commodity is gasoline, which is heavily tracked due to its impact on consumer confidence and the economy. And most recently, there’s been a significant decline in prices that’s helped cheer people up ahead of the holidays—case in point: the headlines below. 👇

However, some traders and technical analysts believe the market could start to heat up again.

They’re focusing on this chart of gasoline futures, which shows that 2.10 to 2.20 has been a significant transition area for the market since 2015. And now, with prices back at those levels following a sharp decline, some market participants are betting that buyers will reemerge again and push prices higher. 🐂

Meanwhile, fundamental analysts argue that recession fears, the winter season, and other fundamental factors are likely to keep a lid on gasoline going forward. 🐻

As always, we’ll have to wait and see. But we felt the need to mention this chart because regardless of which direction it decides to go, it will definitely be on traders’ and consumers’ radars. 👀

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Cotton’s Breakout Poses Problems

We know many of you are rolling your eyes at the title of this post because you’re thinking, “I trade and invest equities; why should I care about cotton prices?” And you’re right; you generally shouldn’t care. But commodities matter to the broader market when they’re at inflection points, which may be the case for cotton. 🤔

Give us a second to explain, and we promise it’ll all come together…

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Are Investors Sleeping On Commodities?

We know pulling people’s attention away from stocks is tough, especially when they’re rallying. But as we close out the week, we wanted to point out that many of this week’s top-performing assets were commodities.

The chart below from Finviz shows that nine of the top ten performers this week were commodity futures, with Natural Gas topping the list at +16.19%. 🤩

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Oil & Gas Sector Loses Its Energy

After a strong run throughout the summer, it’s been a rough two weeks for energy-related commodities and stocks. Today, an accelerating decline helped bring the sector back to the forefront of investors’ conversation. Let’s take a look at why. 👇

In very short-term fundamental news, gasoline inventories surprised to the upside today on weak demand. That caused the commodity to extend its recent selloff. But more importantly, we also saw heating oil and crude oil selloff in tandem after holding relatively strong during gasoline’s pullback.

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