A New High In New Highs

Nvidia earnings re-ignited the animal spirits in the market, causing the stock and major indexes to reach several new milestones. Let’s check’em out. 👇

Firstly, a 16% rise in the stock today caused its market cap to rise $277 billion, the largest one-day increase of any stock in history. Secondly, today’s move put it firmly ahead of Google and Amazon as the fourth-largest stock in the world (Saudi Aramco not pictured below). It also moved it a stone’s throw away from $2 trillion. 🤩

The strength in Nvidia also helped push the Nasdaq 100 and S&P 500 to new all-time highs. But it’s not just the U.S. indexes experiencing a major bull run. 🌏

One of the markets we’ve been talking about for well over a year is Japan’s Nikkei 225. After 34 years, the index has made a new all-time high as low interest rates continue to drive the country’s currency lower and its stock market higher. 💴

In addition, India’s Nifty 50, Germany’s DAX, France’s CAC 40, and several other global stock market indexes made new all-time highs. While the bears continue to argue about the stock market’s valuation and breadth, the global bull market continues to rip-roar higher. 🐂

Eventually, it will come to an end; it always does. But for right now, there doesn’t seem to be a clear catalyst to stop this runaway bull market. Especially if tech stocks continue to deliver the goods… 🤷

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Stocks Reverse From All-Time Highs

For seemingly no good reason, the stock market experienced its first bout of volatility in several weeks today. The sharp turnaround had some latecomers to the party asking how this could happen to them. As such, it seems like a good time to update our handy S&P 500 roadmap we’ve shared throughout the year. 🗺️

The last time we checked in on this was in early November when stocks found support at a confluence of “technical” levels that many market participants were watching. Since then, it’s been quite the wild ride, with the S&P 500 rallying over 16% in about eight weeks and approaching its all-time highs from 2022.

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Trading Competitions: Week 4 Recap

This week’s competition was filled with new names, a change from the last few weeks when several long-term Stocktwits users dominated the leaderboards. But what didn’t change was traders making big gains; let’s see how they did. 👇

Coming in third place was HaltTradeAlert, who made a bullish bet in the pharmaceuticals sector and delivered a 52% weekly gain. Next up was Chaz Russell, who posted a 179% gain after placing bullish bets on Netflix, Carvana, Meta, and other stocks across several sectors. 👀

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Trading Competitions: Week 3 Recap

Stocktwits’ third week of trading competitions ended today, so let’s recap how it went. 👇

This week’s competition was a tight one, with CtheLightTrading snagging the second spot for the third consecutive week. HeyShoe also took the third spot where he sat in week one. Clearly, the two of them are in contention for that top spot, so we’ll keep an eye on them in future weeks. 👀

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Investors Ditch China For Nvidia

While everyone is looking at the S&P 500 closing above 5,000 as this week’s stat of the week, MarketWatch is flagging another wild data point. 🚨

As you can see from the headline snippet above, Nvidia is now worth as much as the entire Chinese stock market. While several stocks already have achieved this feat, they’re bigger conglomerates with many businesses under one roof. But Nvidia is a chip designer and manufacturer with a more straightforward business model, making this that much crazier of an occurrence. 

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