Good News For Coffee Lovers

In markets, you can’t be surprised by anything. But we doubt anyone had egg prices being the hottest conversation topic on their 2022/2023 bingo card. 📝

However, it’s totally true. Egg prices have absolutely soared and are now the talk of the town.

Don’t believe us? Look no further than Kyla Scanlon, who nailed the current *ridiculous* sentiment… 🥚

Or unusual_whales, who created a “Breakfast Index” to help track prices.

Well, we don’t have any good news about egg prices coming down anytime soon. But we wanted to add some good news for coffee lovers to the conversation. 🫘

While commodity-related assets were among the best performers in 2022, coffee futures had a rougher year than their peers. And so far, their decline has continued, with prices only slightly above where they began in 2020.

The food component will be a big component of tomorrow’s Consumer Price Index print. Food prices at home and away have kept the pressure on several key inflation measures, even as energy prices have come down in recent months. 🥫

And while coffee futures have come down in price, several other food-related commodities haven’t yet. Even so, it takes time for those price declines to work their way through the economy and into consumer prices. As a result, we’ll have to see what the inflation print ends up being.

For now, though, coffee lovers can drink up. The (downward) trend remains your friend. ☕

Just maybe skip the eggs with breakfast for a while. 😜

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Breakfast Is Getting More Expensive

Some say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But unfortunately, the commodity markets are saying that prices to fill your bowls and cups each morning could be heading higher. 🥣

If we look at Finviz’s year-to-date performance chart for the major assets tracked by the futures markets, four of the top five gainers are agricultural commodities. Orange juice leads the pack, rising 84.53%, followed by sugar (+44.2%), Cocoa (+39.68%), and Oats (+30.10%). They’re only separated by the Nasdaq 100, which is up 36.91%.

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Palladium Perks Up

While we’ve already touched on gold moving to fresh all-time highs over the last two weeks, other precious metals are also catching a bid after a rough few years. 👀

Below is a chart that technical analysts have been eying this week as palladium futures attempt to reverse their downward course. The weekly line chart goes back to 2010 and shows prices bouncing back from the $800 to $900 region, which has served as a transition area for buyers/sellers over the last 14 years. 📊

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Sugar Hits Sweet Spot As Gold Shines

It was a slow day out there, but several commodities caught traders’ eyes. Let’s see which ones. 👀

First up is sugar futures, which have experienced a nearly 30% decline since the beginning of November. While its major decline is one reason to be on people’s radars, technical traders say prices have reached the 20-20.50 area that served as an inflection point over the last two years.

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The Base Metal Blues

The world’s eighth-largest aluminum maker, Alcoa, threw investors for a loop on Monday, unexpectedly announcing a new chief executive officer (CEO). 😮

Roy Harvey has led the company since November 2016, when it went public, and will remain a strategic adviser until the end of 2023. He’ll be replaced by William Oplinger, who has served as executive vice president and chief operations officer (COO) since February of this year.

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