Sam Altman’s Creepy Crypto Launches

Sam Altman’s much-anticipated crypto project, Worldcoin, has finally seen the light of day. After three years in the making and a cool $250 million in funding, the eyeball-scanning crypto is ready to roll. 🌍

The catch? It’s launching in 35 cities across 20 countries, but the US isn’t on the guest list. US users are watching the Worldcoin party from afar because of regulatory uncertainty and the potential misuse of cryptos.

Worldcoin, which claims to distinguish humans from AI online, has been shrouded in controversy and doubt. The project’s transparency and decentralization have been questioned, and the details of token distribution remain hazy due to potential legal issues in the US.

DDespite difficulties, Worldcoin is committed to explaining the technology and earning trust. So, as Worldcoin takes its first steps into the world, US users can only watch and wait. 🔍

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News In Three Sentences – February 28, 2024

Great Zeus’s Beard That’s A Lot: BTC ETF trading volume spiked over $7.5 billion, more than double its previous record. 😱 WatcherGuru has more

BlackRock Turns Bitcoin ETFs into Its Own Personal Money Printer: BlackRock’s ($BLK) massive $520 million infusion into $BTC ETFs, combined with Europe’s unrelenting buying spree and a nifty GBP arbitrage opportunity on $COIN, propelled Bitcoin past the $60,000 mark despite expectations of a pause. Short-sellers everywhere are now questioning their life decisions. 🚀    Read more from TrustNodes

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Bitcoin Allocations Matched With Gold?

Will Bitcoin ever match the gold in investors’ portfolios? 🏅

JP Morgan ($JPM) thinks that for Bitcoin to rub shoulders and match the allocation of gold in investor portfolios, its market cap would need to skyrocket to $3.3 trillion.

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One Way To Use Stocktwits’ Social Data Tools

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘volume precedes price’? It’s an old-school technical analysis 101 maxim. For example, if an instrument is in a downtrend but then you start to see volume tick up, the theory is that price will follow the volume. 🧑‍🎓

It’s what technical analysts call a leading indicator—a heads-up or a warning that the probability of change is high and that it might happen soon. Analysts and traders might apply that principle (volume precedes price) to the Stocktwits Social Data. 

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